God has a plan and purpose for us but we have to stay in His will to fulfil it (finish strong). Moses was chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt into the promise land but his anger prevented him from finishing strong. What will prevent you or what is preventing you?
How can you tell that you are really free? The bible says we should love not the world and all that is in it (1 John 2:15-16). "The power of Satan's remote control on your life is only to the degree that you have these things in you."...
The Lust of the Flesh
The flesh does not refer to your body alone, it is your appetite (things you crave for intensely) which is okay but when it falls out of the will of God, it becomes a sin. An example is sex which was created by God and good except it is doe against God's will. This lust could be anything from food to powerful things like tongue (James 3).
The way to overcome the flesh is by discipline.
To be continued..............