Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Are you really FREE???

God has a plan and purpose for us but we have to stay in His will to fulfil it (finish strong). Moses was chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt into the promise land but his anger prevented him from finishing strong. What will prevent you or what is preventing you?
How can you tell that you are really free? The bible says we should love not the world and all that is in it (1 John 2:15-16). "The power of Satan's remote control on your life is only to the degree that you have these things in you."...
The Lust of the Flesh
The flesh does not refer to your body alone, it is your appetite (things you crave for intensely) which is okay but when it falls out of the will of God, it becomes a sin. An example is sex which was created by God and good except it is doe against God's will. This lust could be anything from food to powerful things like tongue (James 3).
The way to overcome the flesh is by discipline.
To be continued..............

Tuesday, 13 November 2007


"And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the new wone will burst the skins, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined." Luke 5:37.
Trinity Chapel is entering into a new and exciting time and season. We have moved out of what has been our home for the last five years, and moving into greater things. We believe God blessed us with the Leadership Center for a season and a reason, but He is bringing us to what will be a bigger and better place.
"..No one, having drunk the old wine, immediately desires new, for he says the old is better." Luke 5:39.
God works in mysterious ways. With God, He causes death to bring life, the way up is down, what may seem liek a dissapointment is really a blessing in disguise.
"He takes away the first to establish the second," and what seems like Division is really a set up for Multiplication. Trinty Chapel has given birth to twin churches at Showcase Cinemas Beckton, Genesis Cinema Mile End; and a third location will host out Teenage Church in Leyton.
We beleive this God provoking us into our prophetic vision to "Reach and not Sit", and to " Scatter and not Gather" in order to influence this city for God.
Join us at this exciting season in our history, as we get ready for what is next on God's agenda.
Foe more information, look us up on the web @ .uk

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

One Powerful Church...Two Great Locations

We are on the move and I believe there is a major shift in the Spirit realm. After five years at the Leadership Centre, Trinity Chapel is approaching a new season in its quest to fulfil its true destiny. Yes! the 4th of November 2007 will be our final worship service at the Leadership Centre and from the 11th of November - we will be having our regular two services at 9 and 11:30 am but at two seperate locations. The locations are Genesis Cinema in Stepheny green and Showcase Cinemas in Beckton.
I believe its not by happistance or mere coincidence that we are moving out in the month of Novemeber which God has themed the month of 'Enlargement'. I believe it is time for us to strenthen our stakes and lengthen our cords in order to be spiritually and physically prepared for our next season.
One powerful Church...Two great locations - What does this mean? Trinity Chapel is fulfiling its vision of Sitting to Reaching and of Pastoral to Apostolic.
We are not just on a journey but a journey to fulfil our God given destiny.
Watch this space!

Sunday, 2 September 2007

Are you ready for your next class?

We have come to the time of the year i.e. September when people are either getting ready to go back to school, start a new course/school and many are moving onto the next class.

I strongly believe that all truth is parallel and what is true in the natural is also true in the spiritual. At this moment in time, as a Church, God is preparing us for our next season which is to manifest as a voice and a force of change in this geneartion. As an individual, you have a part to play in God's timetable as it relates to this.

This is the time where we need to prepare our strategic plan by undertaking a situational audit, taking inventory, identifying our training needs, identifying our strengths and fortifying our weaknesses.

It is time to prepare spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally lest our opportunity comes and passes us by.

This Genenration is waiting for you to manifest yourself! Luke 1:80 (NKJ) So the child grew and became strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his manifestation to Israel.

Get ready for your next class (season)

Friday, 31 August 2007

Dont Kill Your Brother, Kill ENVY!!

It was a bit strange for me to preach on the message ENVY in the month of August especially when the Lord has said this is the month Revival. I could not really understand why God wanted me to talk on ENVY but has I woke up on this particular morning and couldnt go back to bed...I began to see reasons why before a revival can take place.....we need to kill ENVY...

"The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and ENVY; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God - Galatians 5:19-21

Envying is desiring something that is another person's own for yourself. It is different from Jealousy when you feel it belongs to you and dont want it for another person. If you were to choose between the two...I'ld rather go for Jealousy.....there is virtue in Jealousy...

Envy always wants to put people down. Rememeber what Joseph's brothers did to him?

Indulge me whilst I take you through some manifestations of Envy.
1. Comparing
2. Excuses - Many of us are unable to celebrate people happily. Always acknowledge the grace of God on someone's life.
3. Criticism
4. Competing - When you get to this stage, you start to move out of your assignment
5. Condemnation - Judging!

We should be able to celebrate people's success. Weed out the flesh and water your spirit between your own seed and harvest time.

Reasons for celebrating people's success
1. Your brother's success is an indication of what is coming to you
2. God has sent them to pave the way for us so that we can learn from their mistakes...They are spearheads.
Joseph was sent ahead to prepare the way for his brothers....he was the one that was sold to slavery and sent to prison.
3. Provocation - Example is the case of Hannah and Peninnah...It provoked Hannah to get her blessing
4. God does it to show you what is feasible and that with HIM nothing is impossible.

Whatever you criticise, you will not actualise...and if one way or the other, you actualise it....the same measure you have judged, you will be judge as well.
Dont Kill your brother, kill ENVY!!

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Get Ready For A New Season

When God created the world in Gen 1:14, "Let there be light in the firmament of heavens...and let them be signs and for seasons, He created times and seasons for days and for years." He also declared in Gen 8:22 that "seed time and harvest time, winter time and summer time will never cease..."

God created times and seasons to create punctuation and interjections in life i.e. seasons are a sign and reminder to us that God's creation or creatures need rest or rejuvenation. No creature or creation of God should go on forever. God has designed a program in every plant, animal, human and even earth itself times to rest, revive and rejuvenate in preparation for the next season.

In Deutronomy, God commanded the Israelites to allow the land rest on the seventh year, after six years of continous productivity. No creature of God was ever designed to work forever.
Hence the theme of the month of August is "Revival". To REVIVE means to "make alive again", "to bring back to life what was dead..." i.e. "to revive that which causes death..."

It is time to rest to ensure we are revived for the new work God has prepared for us to do in the new season.

Monday, 16 July 2007

In Ghana for a Conference

I attended a pastor and leaders conference called Iron Sharpeneth Iron hosted by Dr Dag Heward-Mills - He organizes these conferences to touch the lives of many ministers from all parts of the globe. He has a peculiar grace, among other things, to help would–be leaders recognize the call of God on their lives, develop a peculiar passion for ministry and nurture and enhance the call on their lives. There were over 500o people in attendance. The conference was life changing.
I was invited by Dr Dag Heward-Mills to be an international board member for his crusade - Healing Jesus Crusade
It was my first time in Ghana and I must say, what a beautiful country!

Tuesday, 10 July 2007


Two weeks ago was fantastic...Visited two countries in West Africa - Nigeria and Ghana.
I was in Nigeria to attend an outreach event hosted by a group called Strength Factor.
There were over close to 230 people in attendance which included various pastors from different walks of life despite the fuel scarcity. It was held at Guiding Light Assembly, Park View, Ikoyi and it was on "How to make your vision happen".
It was awesome!

Monday, 2 July 2007

The power and process of change

Its another month again and thank God for bringing us to the second half of the year.
The whole of the Christain life is about the power and the ability to change by God and His Word. The true vaue of a Christain before God is not measured by what he has or what he has done, but by whom he has become.
Whatever God might have promised you, He can make it happen in the twinkling of an eye, but He is more intent and concerned about the process of change than He is about your achievements.
Joseph is a case in point. He was given a promise and a dream of leadership at the age 17 but he did not experience the fulfillment until he changed and yielded to the process and became who God wanted him to be - Mature, Humble, Forgiving and Wise.
God uses various means & methods to bring us to the place of ultimate transformation e.g.
His Spirit - "The spirit of God will come upon you...And you will be turned into another man"
His Word - "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind"
His Will - "Repent for the Kingdom of God is near..."
Watch this space - During the course of the week, I'll be updating you on my trip to Nigeria & Ghana.

Sunday, 17 June 2007

Live Streaming

Watch our services LIVE on the Internet.
Online Service Times
1st Sunday of every monthThanksgiving Service: 10:00 am - noonAll Other Sundays:Inspiration Service: 9.00am - 11:00am Resurrection Service: 11:00am - 12:30pmTuesday: 7.00PM - 9.00PM

God bless.

Leadership & Lifestyle

The long awaited spring edition of Leadership & Lifestyle is now out. You can purchase your copy at

Devil's Dirty Dozen

I preached a message on the devil's dirty dozen on the 6th of May. This is a message God gave to me several months ago - The enemy has launched an invasion in our lives today because we are not preoccupied with our great commission. The following D's have been sent on a mission:

Thank God for Christ, we have been given the authority to overcome the 12 D's

Saturday, 19 May 2007

In Nigeria for a Funeral

I was in Nigeria over the week to atttend the Funeral of one of God's General -Pastor Eskor Mfon. We thank God for the life he lived and the lives he touched whilst he was alive. May his soul rest in perfect peace.

Monday, 7 May 2007

Pastor Eskor Mfon

We lost a Veteran & seasoned leader in Pastor Eskor Mfon@ 54yrs on the 30th of April 2007. The pastor of RCCG City of David, Lagos. Nigeria. He was a great inspiration to many including myself.

Thursday, 3 May 2007

A supernatural weekend at Milton Keynes

Just this past weekend, I held a two-day conference from the 28th-29th of April at Kings Court Chapel Milton Keynes on ‘The Supernatural Breakthrough’. The Holy Spirit moved in such a phenomenal way. It was a miraculous weekend!

A day with Rev. Eastwood Anaba

Reverend Eastwood Anaba, the senior pastor of Fountain Gate Chapel in Bolgatanga, Ghana was at my church – Trinity Chapel on the 15th of April 2007. He spoke on 'Love', preaching from his new book ‘The Love Revolution’; he explained how love is the spirit of every godly character.

Archbishop Duncan William

The Archbishop of Christian Action Faith Ministries (CAFM) International(ACTION CHAPEL), Duncan William visited my church, Trinity chapel in April on the theme 'Power of the Prayer & Prophetic'. He spoke a lot about how the Body of Christ needs to rise up and destroy the works of the enemy. He stressed on the fact that prayers should not be taken for granted because it is the meeting place between humanity and divinity.

Festival of Life

I am back as promised with a continuation of my updates. Friday the 13th of April 2007 was not an ordinary day. The Excel Centre was jam packed as usual with people attending FOL (Festival of Life) - The bi-annual, all-night event hosted by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God. A gathering of about 45,000 people. The theme of the programme was 'All will be well'. The Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone came as promised. He was pleasantly surprised at the amount of people at the gathering. He publicly apologised for the slave trade and pledged his support for the churches. I conducted a 30 minutes interview with him alongside Lee Jasper for FOL.

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Meeting with Mayor of London - Ken Livingstone

Moving swiftly to March - I had a meeting with the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone in City Hall. He called upon key pastors of black majority churches in London to help assist in talking to youths and reduce gun crime in the streets of London. He promised to assist in getting planning permission for our churches and also promised to say a thing or two at the Festival of Life – A gathering of about 45,000 people held twice a year in London by the General Overseer of the Redeem Christian Church, Pastor E. O. Adeboye. I guess i've given you enough dosage of blog updates today. I'll continue tomorrow with my interview with Ken Livingstone and Lee Jasper, a day with Rev Eastwood Anaba and the Power of Prayer & the Prophetic with Archbishop Duncan Williams but till then may heaven continue to smile on you. God bless

Dr Sharon Stone

The 23rd - 25th of Feburary 2007 was spent in developing our prophetic gifts. We were blessed to have Sharon Stone for 3 days at Trinity chapel on ‘How to develop your prophetic gift’. Dr Stone is an exceptional prophetess with clarity in utterance. She advised that we needed to know how we hear best and discussed three ways of hearing from God - The seeing eye (with the eye of the spirit), the hearing ear (spiritual hearing) and the ability to sense/feel & perceive. She stressed the importance of learning to discern the origin of what we hear – from our souls or from the Spirit of God in communication with our soul. It was a 3 day of undiluted prophecies and practical teaching. It was awesome!

Catching up and Juanita Bynum

It has been quite a while, I have been so busy but not to worry, I'll update you on all what I've been up to for the past 3 months or so. I'm going to have to post them one after the other so fasten your seatbelts and lets get cracking...............

Feburary was such a busy month, with two major Prophetesses (Dr Juanita Bynum & Dr Sharon Stone) visiting my church; Trinity Chapel, the spiritual bar was moved a few notches. We had two days of powerful teaching with the vibrant and annointed woman of God, Dr Juanita Bynum. She left everyone blessed. I also had a one to one interview on her Marriage, Ministry and Message. The full interview will appear in the spring edition of my magazine, ‘Leadership and Lifestyle.’ If you want to read on the interview, you can purchase your copy at

Thursday, 15 February 2007

Welcome to the Leadership doctor

Hurray! I have finally joined the blogging community & taken one little step into
cyberspace, but one giant step for humanity.
On this site I will be bringing you updates on my adventures in Leadership & my new learning experience, photos, Sound bytes, Messages etc.
Pls feel free to post up your responses.
Let's start blogging!
Dr.Sola Fola-Alade