Tuesday, 10 July 2007


Two weeks ago was fantastic...Visited two countries in West Africa - Nigeria and Ghana.
I was in Nigeria to attend an outreach event hosted by a group called Strength Factor.
There were over close to 230 people in attendance which included various pastors from different walks of life despite the fuel scarcity. It was held at Guiding Light Assembly, Park View, Ikoyi and it was on "How to make your vision happen".
It was awesome!


Anonymous said...

Hello Leadership Doctor! Quick question. What was the key pratical point on making your vision hapen?

Leadership Doctor said...

Dear Anonymous,

The key points mentioned were -

1. Getting a Vision
2. Having a Plan
3. Counting the Cost
4. Defining your Personal Mission Statement
5. Going from a Local to Global Vision

Dr Sola Fola Alade

Anonymous said...

Dear Leadership Doctor,

I have two questions that I would be grateful if you could answer:

How do you know your vision is from God?

How do you differentiate your vision from your passion? I'm conscious that myself and some other people that I know may be miscalling our passion a vision.


Leadership Doctor said...
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Leadership Doctor said...

@tc member...thanks for stopping by my blog.
Your passion could be an indication of your vision. But note that,not everything you are passionate about is your vision. Passion is the fuel that energises your vision. You will know its your vision because you will have a burden to solve the problem the vision answers. Answering your questions on here will be like preaching a whole sermon...for more clarity in knowing your vision is God given...you can get my book on 21 ways to mind your own business or Bishop Oyedepo's Exploit in Ministry.
God bless you.

The Leadership Doctor